
Bucerius Law School (Hamburg); Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University (Halifax, Kanada); Legal clerkship in Hamburg; 2nd State Exam (2020)

Consulting Focus

Manuel Kayser specialized in corporate law already during his studies. He advises domestic and foreign clients primarily on corporate transactions, on international and domestic commercial and distribution law, and in international projects.

A significant part of his work involves advising foreign clients on entering the German market, cross-border work by insolvency administrators and the sale of medium-sized companies both in the form of asset and/or share deals to domestic and foreign investors.

As a member of the Spanish Desk at Brödermann Jahn, he mainly supports Spanish-speaking clients in their business activities in Germany, as well as German clients in their activities in Spanish-speaking countries, especially in South America, including international legal disputes.

"Fascination for language and creative legal solutions in an international context - vamos !"

Manuel Kayser, Associate


  • Hanseatic Bar Association Hamburg (Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg)
  • Latin America foundation (Lateinamerika-Verein e.V.) („Young Professionals“))
  • Bucerius Alumni e.V.
  • AIJA - International Association of Young Lawyers
  • German-Chilean Chamber of Commerce, AHK Chile
  • ELArb European-Latinamerican Arbitration Center GmbH (Managing Director)

My colleagues


Leonie Wittenstein


Sarah Olivia Schaeffer