
Universität Köln, Universität Paris, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Maîtrise en droit, 2000; LL.M., 2000; Erstes Juristisches Staatsexamen, 2003; Zweites Juristisches Staatsexamen, 2009, Dr. jur. 2009 (Genf), Zertifizierter ICC-Trainer für Incoterms®

Consulting Focus

Christoph Oertel advises his clients on international and national commercial law, international project business, and corporate transactions (M&A including start-up advice in financing rounds). This includes contract law advice on software licensing issues. In drafting his contracts, he attaches particular importance to the appropriate consideration of any international dimension of his mandates.

As a member of the French Desk at Brödermann Jahn, he supports clients from French-speaking countries in their business activities in Germany as well as German clients in their business activities in the French-speaking world.

In recent years, Christoph Oertel has increasingly focused on compliance issues. In addition to export control law, one focus of his advice is on general issues of good corporate governance, such as supply chain management, and corruption prevention in a national and international context.

"Think cross-border!"

Dr. Christoph Oertel, Partner


  • Union Internationale des Avocats, UIA
  • German French Lawyers' Association (Deutsch-Französische Juristenvereinigung e.V.)
  • Young CEAC
  • Club d'Affaires Franco-Allemand de Hambourg (Amicale e.V.)


  • The concept of Strict Liability in the European Group on principles of European Tort Law: The black hole and central building site, JETL 2023 (in publication)
  • Incoterms 2020: new revision of a champion for the international purchase of goods (neue Überarbeitung eines Champions für den internationalen Warenkauf), RIW 2019, 701-707
  • Incoterms 2010 in: Mankowski (Hg.), Commercial Law, Article-by-Article Commentary, Beck, Hart, Nomos 2019, 828-897
  • No automatic termination of current account due to listing in Iran Embargo Order - note on the judgment (Keine automatische Kündigung des Girokontos wegen Listing in der Iran-Embargo-Verordnung) - Urteilsanmerkung, RIW 2012, 731-733
  • Tightening of the Iran Embargo, current problems from the field and initial responses (Verschärfung des Iran-Embargos, Aktuelle Probleme aus der Praxis und erste Antworten) [jointly with Dr. Justus Jansen], RIW 2010, 695-699
  • Objective liability in Europe - comparative law study on the further development of strict liability in European Private Law (Objektive Haftung in Europa - Rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zur Weiterentwicklung der verschuldensunabhängigen Haftung im europäischen Privatrecht), Tübingen 2010
  • "EC Tort Law“ and the German Legal Family [jointly with Prof. Dr. Thomas Kadner Graziano] in: Helmut Koziol/Reiner Schulze (Hg.): Tort Law of the European Community, Springer (Wien, New York) 2008, S. 439-489
  • A European Liability and Damages Law for Road Traffic Accidents? - Key points de lege lata and considerations de lege ferenda (Ein europäisches Haftungs- und Schadensrecht für Unfälle im Straßenverkehr? – Eckpunkte de lege lata und Überlegungen de lege ferenda) [jointly with Prof. Dr. Thomas Kadner Graziano] ZVglRWiss 107 (2008), S. 113-163
  • Principes européens de la responsabilité civile: Quel modèle pour décrire le champ d’application de la responsabilité sans faute? in: Christine Chappuis/Bénédict Foex/Thomas Kadner Graziano (Hg.), ‘harmonisation internationale du droit, Zurich (Schulthess) 2007, S. 279-297

My colleagues


Leonie Wittenstein


Christine Dempe


Katharina Klingel