York Zieren
York Zieren
If a company is obligated to file for insolvency, the application must be submitted to the competent insolvency court. Incomplete or incorrect applications are treated as if no application had been submitted, and there is a risk of being accused of not having filed for insolvency in a timely manner.
From countless insolvency application proceedings, we know what is important. We also know the tense situation in the departments of the company concerned, which has usually taken on many additional tasks in such an situation. We approach our advice with caution in order not to overload the employees, who are crucial not only during the application process but also afterwards. Additionally, we coordinate external communication, such as with banks, suppliers or customers, as they often play a significant role in the insolvency proceedings.
York Zieren
Eckard von Bodenhausen
Quotes from the TeamWe think entreprenurial!
Sebastian Kühn