Eckard von Bodenhausen
Eckard von Bodenhausen
The participation of venture capitalists and the investments of private equity funds in companies have gained considerable importance in recent years. Our team advises in all phases in which companies raise such capital, be it the support of young, innovative start-ups in the seed and early stage phase, be it the negotiation of private equity financing for a mature company in an established industry, be it to support an exit.
We advise companies from a wide range of industries, e.g. from the automotive industry, in the field of renewable energies or tech companies, as well as investors.
Thanks to our many years of expertise on all sides of negotiations, we understand the different economic interests of the parties involved, have mastered the claviature of venture capital and private equity investments and can advise our clients in a target-oriented, well-founded and pragmatic manner.
Eckard von Bodenhausen
Johannes Struck
Philipp von Dietze
Tina Denso
Antje Mattfeld
Quotes from the TeamBrödermann Jahn is your legal hub for cross-border activities!
Dr. Johannes Struck