Johannes Struck
Johannes Struck
Cybersecurity requirements are ultimately nothing more than technical and organizational measures (TOMs). While they were originally only a sub-area of data protection law, they have taken on much greater significance today.
This is not least the result of a growing threat from cyberattacks. The German Legislator has also recognized this development and, with the IT Security Act 2.0, is taking a much larger group of users to task. For example, suppliers and subcontractors of critical infrastructures or companies in the special public interest may already be directly obliged by law to comply with specific IT security measures. But even without additional legal obligations such as the BSIG (The German Act on the Federal Office for Information Security) it is in the interest of every company to protect its data and trade secrets from unauthorized access.
Johannes Struck
Phillip Hofmann
Quotes from the TeamThe place to be for lawyers: the negotiating table.
Dr. Philipp von DIetze