Sebastian Kühn
Sebastian Kühn
Whether capital is a shy deer or an important growth driver, finance plays an essential role in (international) economic relations. When complex syndicated loans have to be negotiated, e.g. in the context of M&A financing, or a loan has to be refinanced - Brödermann Jahn advises on the most diverse aspects of finance, financial regulatory and capital market law, in particular at the interfaces with other areas of law.
In doing so, we know both the lending side as well as the borrower side of the business. Frequently, the question arises as to whether one's own business model even requires financial supervisory approval by BaFin (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority), e.g. in accordance with the ZAG (Payment Services Oversight Act) or the KWG (German Banking Act). Here we help in the run-up and in the subsequent application procedure for obtaining a regulatory license.
Direct communication with the responsible contact persons of the supervisory authorities is a matter of course and plays a role that should not be underestimated, especially in conflict situations with the supervisory authorities. In all phases of loan financing "from the cradle to the grave" we are a competent partner including the provision of necessary additional collateral for the loan / collateral releases, up to (early) settlement in crisis situations.
In addition to traditional credit institutions since long we also advise financial service providers within the meaning of the German Banking Act (KWG). For those we are just as keen to provide support in finance leasing issues as well as on questions of factoring.
Sebastian Kühn
Andrea Tiedemann
Eckard von Bodenhausen
Christoph Oertel
Quotes from the TeamThe place to be for lawyers: the negotiating table.
Dr. Philipp von DIetze